La sécurité, un besoin essentiel pour l'afrique
Fire detection

The fire detection system is made up of a central fire detection system and automatic fire detectors.
Its mission is to alert a security service as soon as a fire starts in a building.
- Fire safety system :
It contributes to the fight against fire by limiting its propagation through the control of functions such as compartmentalization and smoke extraction. Recommended by the standards governing fire safety according to the type of establishment, it is made up of a fire safety centralizer and related equipment connected to mobile equipment of the building structure such as fire doors, flaps, smoke extraction shutters, etc.
- Mobile fire extinguishers:
These are the primary means of fighting a fire from its initial phase.
- The RIA (Armed fire valves):
They make it possible to fight a fire for at least 10 minutes, while waiting for more important means to be put in place.
- Automatic gas extinguishing system :
An automatic gas extinguishing system is intended to extinguish a fire at an early stage of development in premises with significant fire hazards or containing valuable equipment and in which water cannot be used.